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Ticketsystem Overview

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Ticket Nr. Customer Nr. Customer's Name Created at Subject Status Action
UCS-10957 20042 Tobias Beck 20.01.2020 Password reset? How its possible pending
UCS-10934 25022 Max Mustermann 19.01.2020 Need Help with the Autotools pending
UCS-10976 25422 Josef Birgens 18.01.2020 This is another thing? pending
UCS-10999 25042 Hildegard Gullendorfer 19.01.2020 How can i add more Subusers? no answer

1042 entries in total

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Ticket Nr. Customer Nr. Customer Customer's E-mail Created at Supporter Status Action
UCS-10957 20042 Tobias Beck Tobias@gmail.com 20.01.2020 - - - - - - - - - open
UCS-10934 25022 Max Mustermann Mustermann@Mustermann.de 19.01.2020 Noah Kaczmarek pending
UCS-10976 25422 Josef Birgens Schmidt.Josef@schreinerei-josef.de 18.01.2020 Mirco Mustermann waiting
UCS-10999 25042 Hildegard Gullendorfer HildegardBecker@Beckermoebel.com 19.01.2020 Steffen Muster no answer

1042 entries in total

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