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Accounting Dashboard

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Sales by period

Currently active users


This number of users refers to users who have booked a subscription at the present time

Registered users


Sales figures by packages

Sales by the last 10 Months

Month Sales Total users
November 2020 4121,30 € 102077
October 2020 5102,99 € 9560
September 2020 4235,32 € 9203
August 2020 3245,12 € 9004
July 2020 2245,48 € 8502
June 2020 4141,11 € 8100
May 2020 5188,88 € 7254
April 2020 4128,22 € 7123
March 2020 314,20 € 6920
February 2020 990,75 € 6701

User growth

3 %

*by the last 10 Month

Users by period